TEST DRIVE: 2013 Toyota Venza

If a vehicle, by its very own design can be seen as unique, unconventional and enjoyable all at the same time, then any review of it should be the same.

The 2013 Toyota Venza is a crossover vehicle that since it’s initial launch in 2007 has been tough to categorize, but at the same time remains a practical and popular entrant in the mid size CUV category.  Identifying the Venza’s competition may depend on who you talk to.  While Toyota will list vehicles such as the Nissan Altima and the Honda Accord as its competition, a real world comparison would likely pair it against vehicles such as the Nissan Murano or the Ford Edge.  The Venza is built on the same platform as the Toyota Camry, thus making a clear classification even more of a challenge, but a challenge I’m willing to take on as part of the ongoing Enviro Dad Test Drive.

What is clear though is that the Venza is a stylish and unique CUV.  It is also a vehicle that, given it’s uniqueness deserved a somewhat unique approach when I decided to prepare a video review.  As I’m someone who likes to pick up ideas from advertising campaigns for vehicles in the spotlight, not to mention a dose of light-hearted humour when appropriate, I took a different approach to the video review.  Heck, I even decided to jump on a massive trend which is taking place as I write, which is to throw a little “Gangnam Style” into the review itself.

If I totally have peaked your interest by now, then check out my video review of the 2013 Toyota Venza:


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With a variety of trims as well as driving and engine configurations, the Toyota Venza proves itself as a suitable and viable family vehicle for those looking for a mid-size CUV that’s uniquely styled and well suited for the demands of modern families.  While it may be hard to categorize, it’s certainly not too hard to enjoy.

BY THE NUMBERS (Out of 10)

LOOK/DESIGN                    –           9.0

DRIVE                                   –           8.5

THE GREEN FACTOR         –         7.5

THE FAMILY FACTOR       –           9.0

TECHIE STUFF                     –           8.5

VALUE                                  –           7.5

(MSRP as Tested $41,320)


OVERALL SCORE               –           8.5

Eric Novak

About Eric Novak

Eric Novak is a father of 4 who also thinks that environmental stewardship is a requisite of parenting. He's not a professional Dad nor is he an environmental scientist, but he's someone who gives a damn and is trying to make the right decisions as he lives his life as a father, environmentalist, part time professor and business owner. Eric has 4 children and resides in Ajax, Ontario.