TEST DRIVE: 2012 Nissan Murano

When reviewing automobiles, nobody ever said you can’t have fun while doing it.

Such was the case when I decided to review the 2012 Nissan Murano with the help of my family and friends.  On a beautiful late spring day, as several neighbours and friends of mine were gathered for one of our semi-regular weekend street-fests, I decided to bring out the video camera and invite them all to participate in an Enviro Dad Test Drive review along with me.  I didn’t have a storyboard or even a script, so what ended up was about as improv as you can get.  However history has taught me that improv with a bunch of creative and fun people can often net the best results.

So check out the video and watch what may be one of the most unorthodox, yet fun video car reviews you’ll see in some time!

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Given how much fun we had reviewing the Murano in the manner that we did, don’t be too surprised if more of the same shows up from time to time.

For the last decade the Murano has been a successful addition to the Nissan line up.  While a bit of a freshening up may be necessary, it’s my belief that we’ll still see this mid sized SUV as a part of the Nissan offering for some time to come.  My only wish is that along with the standard V6 offering, they consider looking into a turbo-charged 4 cylinder just as Ford has done with the Explorer and others are working with as well.

BY THE NUMBERS (Out of 10)

LOOK/DESIGN                    –           8.5

DRIVE                                   –           8.5

THE GREEN FACTOR         –           6.5

THE FAMILY FACTOR       –           8.5

TECHIE STUFF                     –           8.5

VALUE                                  –           7.0

(MSRP as Tested $48,383)


OVERALL SCORE               –           8.0



Eric Novak

About Eric Novak

Eric Novak is a father of 4 who also thinks that environmental stewardship is a requisite of parenting. He's not a professional Dad nor is he an environmental scientist, but he's someone who gives a damn and is trying to make the right decisions as he lives his life as a father, environmentalist, part time professor and business owner. Eric has 4 children and resides in Ajax, Ontario.