Toronto Schools Measuring their Carbon Footprint

Beginning in the fall, the Toronto District Catholic School Board will be running a challenge in partnership with a great organization called Zerofootprint designed to get all of its schools to reduce their total carbon footprint.

The initiative called THE ZEROFOOTPRINT CHALLENGE will first allow schools to know just how large their Carbon Footprints are, and then challenges them to compete against other schools to see who can reduce their footprints the most.  It’s a terrific initiative that first provides the tools necessary to visualize carbon and then determine how best to reduce it.

This is an initiative that I would love to see take place in school boards across the country.  I know that Zerofootprint is already in various forms of discussion with other school boards and I hope the success of this program carries far and wide.

My media company Modern Media Perspectives was asked to produce a video to launch the campaign for Zerofootprint and the school board.  We were very happy to get involved and I have included the video here for you to see as well.

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Eric Novak

About Eric Novak

Eric Novak is a father of 4 who also thinks that environmental stewardship is a requisite of parenting. He's not a professional Dad nor is he an environmental scientist, but he's someone who gives a damn and is trying to make the right decisions as he lives his life as a father, environmentalist, part time professor and business owner. Eric has 4 children and resides in Ajax, Ontario.