NAIAS Press Conferences – Bringing Hollywood to Motown

(Detroit, MI)  When automakers decide to hold a Press Conference during Media Days of the North American Auto Show in Detroit, they realize that with 6,000 international accredited media on hand, the opportunity for gaining some significant attention is significant.  To achieve maximum attention, some manufacturers decide to invest significant time, effort and money into staging press conferences so elaborate that they can compare to what some might see on Broadway or out of Hollywood.

What’s unfortunate about these Press Conferences, is that they are staged for the media and not the general consumers who visit the show once public show hours commence.  While more and more these events are being webcast to anyone that wants, many still miss out on some pretty over-the-top theatrics which is why I’ve decided to prepare a video summary with this report to showcase a couple of the more elaborate Press Conferences I had the chance to attend.

Hyundai has had a penchant over the years of developing a scripted event, involving actors and various other media tools such as live music, pre-recorded visuals and a lot of staging.  Their event at NAIAS this year was no different as they revealed for the 1st time a concept car known as the HCD-14 Genesis Concept.

Amongst North American car makers, Ford has tended to be the most elaborate at NAIAS year after year.  Instead of holding their event on the show floor like most other manufacturers, they use Joe Louis Arena, typically the home of the NHL’s Detroit Red Wings instead.  “The Joe” is connected to the Cobo Center, where NAIAS is held so media only have about a 5 minute walk through tunnel’s and connecting pathways to get to the arena.  This year the stage was set to launch a new series of commercial vehicles as well as the launch of a new concept truck, which is likely the forerunner of the next generation F-150.

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Not all companies go as big or elabroate as these two, and for some this can seem like more “bling” than is necessary.  Costs are never revealed so it’s anyone’s guess if the effort involved is actually worth the investment.  However given that these types of elaborate launches keep happening, its probably safe to say that the automakers feel the investment is indeed worth it, regardless of the time or expense involved.

From my perspective, while I sometimes think it goes beyond what is necessary, it also provides interesting diversions during two very long days of press conferences and the repetitive cycle they represent.

Eric Novak

About Eric Novak

Eric Novak is a father of 4 who also thinks that environmental stewardship is a requisite of parenting. He's not a professional Dad nor is he an environmental scientist, but he's someone who gives a damn and is trying to make the right decisions as he lives his life as a father, environmentalist, part time professor and business owner. Eric has 4 children and resides in Ajax, Ontario.