I’m Canadian…and I Care about the Environment!

Dear reasonable and eco-aware fellow citizens of the Earth,

My name is Eric Novak, and I am a Canadian citizen.  Now before you tear a strip off me, please understand that just because I’m Canadian doesn’t mean that I don’t give a rat’s ass about the environment, or climate change.  While it certainly may seem that way, given the morally reprehensible way our federal government conducts itself on the world environmental stage, but please keep in mind that our federal government truly only speaks for a very small, yet powerful concentration of corporate interests on this subject – and NOT that of the majority of rational, reasonable and concerned citizens like myself.

In other words – my government doesn’t speak for me nor does it speak for what I truly believe to be the vast majority of Canadians when it comes to the issues of the environment and the critical issue of man-made climate change.

Just this week our Conservative government announced that Canada will be pulling out of the Kyoto Protocol – the only legally binding international agreement on Climate Change.  In doing so we are the first nation ever of all 194 signatories to the document to rescind our support and simply walk away.  If you take a moment to perform a simple Google search on the subject of Canada and Kyoto you’ll see thousands of news articles from around the world – virtually all of it condemning Canada for this act of ecological treason.  I had to stop reading after awhile because, truthfully, it was making me feel about as ashamed to be Canadian as I have ever been.

The problem though…is that I’m not ashamed to be Canadian!  Instead I realize that I’m utterly ashamed at how the government that I did not vote for (actually less than 30% of the eligible voting public did – yet they still manage to hold a majority position in parliament) conducts itself, and I want people from around the world to know that there is a big difference between what the government says and what it’s citizens believe.

I’m utterly ashamed that Prime Minister Harper has chosen to view our economy in a purely myopic manner.  He has chosen to sacrifice the environmental viability of our planet down the line for the support today of corporations that net enormous profits from ecologically catastrophic practices.  I expect the Prime Minister of my country to place a value on prosperity not just now but for the future as paramount.  I expect our Prime Minister to not be beholden to specific corporate interests, who see their bottom line as the only metric and not the viability of this planet for our children.  I even expect our Prime Minister – who as a father himself – understands that the decisions he makes today will have a lasting legacy for his children.

But alas, our Prime Minister shows virtually no regard for any of my concerns which are also shared by so many.

Our Prime Minister believes that it is better to provide subsidies to oil and gas companies to an amount that is greater than the total operating budget of Environment Canada.  Our Prime Minister ignorantly chooses to ignore the fact that other countries see renewable energy as the economy of the future and in so doing, are quietly setting the stage for the economic demise of my country.  Our Prime Minister has instead put all his eggs in one basket…or perhaps in one set of deep cororate pockets with little regard for its long term ramifications.

My fellow citizens, please understand that Canadians do not share the viewpoint of this Prime Minister and his government when it comes to the environment.  Their clever usage of wedge tactics and divisive politics during the last campaign allowed them to secure a majority mandate without ever having to show their hand when it came to what they wanted to do with Kyoto.  We are sadly all now paying a price.

But understand this…MY VOICE WILL NOT BE SILENCED, nor will I stop fighting for a future that understands that the greater good is more important than the perceived greatness of having goods.  I will continue to remind people at every opportunity that we have not inherited this planet from our ancestors, but rather we are only borrowing it from our children.  I will work hard to ensure that in 2015 when we return to the ballot once again, that our Conservative government will be evicted and banished to the hazardous wastelands that they have allowed to be created.

Citizens of the world…please look beyond the reprehensible actions of our government and see that beyond them, there are millions of Canadians who are just as mortified by what’s going on as you are.  Give us a chance to make it right again and show us your support by condemning the actions of our government and keeping the embarrassing and morally corupt actions they have undertaken in the public eye.

Give us time…and lets solve this problem together.  On behalf of millions of concerned Canadians, I deeply apologize for the actions of our government and we hope to make it up to you as soon as possible.

Eric Novak

About Eric Novak

Eric Novak is a father of 4 who also thinks that environmental stewardship is a requisite of parenting. He's not a professional Dad nor is he an environmental scientist, but he's someone who gives a damn and is trying to make the right decisions as he lives his life as a father, environmentalist, part time professor and business owner. Eric has 4 children and resides in Ajax, Ontario.